Newborn Care Specialist

Newborns are wonderful; they are cuddly and tiny little people who, sadly don’t come with an instruction book and they may be small but they equate to a lot of work! Are you having a baby soon? Are you pregnant with multiples? Do you live in the Los Angeles area? If so, and you are looking forward to the big event with trepidation about what will happen once you bring baby home, you’re not alone, and this is where a highly trained  baby nurse nanny can be of great assistance.

Newborn care specialists are a special subsection of nannies. While they have all of the early childhood education and first aid training you come to expect from a regular nanny, they have the added bonus of being newborn specialists. Day or night, they come to your home and assist you in all things newborn baby. This includes feeding, changing and monitoring so not only are you not alone in the adventure but you have time to rest and recharge knowing your special newborn is in excellent hands.

A newborn nanny can help to alleviate the stress of transitioning with a newborn in the home, while allowing you time to recover from the birth and rest up before resuming the parenting role. They are especially welcome compliments to families who:

  • Are first time mothers: No matter how much you prepare for the arrival, it is still a time of transition once you bring baby home.

  • Are having Twins, Triplets or more: Multiples bring much more to the equation, and if you have had a difficult birth or a C section, you need to rest and recover, having extra hands around will be a blessing.

  • Are mothers with special needs: the baby nurse can make sure you and baby are settled into a healthy routine and help out where you may not be able to at first.

  • Are mothers with other children: A baby nurse can see to the newborn so that you have time to devote to your other children.

  • Are mothers who need to return to work quickly after having the baby: Babies thrive on routine, and if you have to get back to work fast you may not have time to fully implement a working routine. They are there to help.

  • Are mothers who don’t have nearby family or friends to help out: Again, a second set of knowledgeable hands can come in very useful.

  • Are mothers who have special needs babies: Babies who need 24 hour care can be a drain on the parents, but a highly trained baby nanny can help you with everything and give you peace of mind that baby is being taken care of at all times.

A newborn care specialist channels all of his or her focus and attention on the newborn baby and you as parents. They are very knowledgeable, experienced and can share with you valuable information about newborn baby care.  Bettsy Jane Agency is experienced at placing the best new born care specialist nannies with the right families throughout the Los Angeles area. In addition, our nannies are all carefully screened before being placed in a home.